In 2016, the Borough completed four (4) years of upgrades and improvements to Supplee Park based on the Master Plan completed in 2012. Thanks to grants from the Bucks County Open Space Program and the Penna. Dept. of Community & Economic Development, the park has been completely renovated and updated.
Amenities include additional paved and unpaved trails, rehabilitation of the existing basketball court, the addition of another 1/2 basketball court, a youth baseball/softball field, a small pavilion, landscaping, signage and site amenities.
In addition, through a generous donation from the Dublin Lions Club and the volunteer services of Kyle Peters, Painting By Kyle, the T.P. Kohl Pavilion in the park was re-painted.
The pavilion can be reserved on a first-come-first serve basis for parties, picnics, family reunions and special occasions.
The baseball / multi-purpose fields can be rented out by a couch or an officer of an organization. Organized and Semi-Organized applications must be filed at least a month prior to the season of use. For all other uses an application must be submitted at least five (5) business days prior to the desired date of use.
Click here for an application to rent the Park:
Park Rental Form
Call 215-249-3310 for availability of the pavilion and fields.
Please read our Ordinance for Supplee Park Rules and Information.